Former Members

Neetika Thakur

Short Intern Scholar (Sept 2018-Nov 2018)

Neetika is currently the Distanced Education program student (M.S. program) in the Department of Soil and Water Sciences, UF. She joined the lab as intern for 3 months.

Anna Iriarte

Undergraduate short intern (June 2018-Aug 2018)

Anna is currently the undergraduate student at University of Florida. She joined us as the summer intern, while she worked with Ko-Hsuan for the study that focuses on identifying the mycotoxins and fungal endophytes presenting in Florida's forage grass cultivars. This work was supported by FCA Enhancement Funds.

Liangfeng Liu

Exchange graduate student (March 2018-Sept 2018)

Liangfeng just passed her defense for her PhD at Institute of Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and is now Dr. Liu. She joined us as a exchange graduate student. Her visit was funded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During her visit, she was involved in the project to investigate the shift of biodiversity of pine associated microbiomes as affected by the environmental disturbance (e.g., biological invasion, managed fire and drought stress).

Min Wang

Visit Scholar (Dec 2017-June 2018)

Min is the professor of Food Science and Engineering, Dept. of Life Science, Hengshui University. During her visit, she was involved in quantifying the chemical elements in the soils from the on-farm cover cropping system.

Shuli Yin

Visit Scholar (Dec 2017-June 2018)

Shuli is the Associate Investigator in the Edible Fungi Laboratory, Biology Institute, China. As the visit scholar she led the writing of an extension article (Entitled: The nutritional value of edible mushroom) and is now in review.

Florencia Marcon

Fulbright scholar (May 2017-Aug 2017)


Florencia is currently the Ph.D student working with Dr. Carlos Acuna at National Scientific and Technical Research Council-Botanical Institute of the Northeast in Argentina. Her major is Agronomy and her Ph.D. program focuses on: Study the occurrence of heterosis in tetraploid bahiagrass hybrids, its prediction and breeding techniques. She is very interested in studying grass breeding and grass-fungal endophyte interaction. During her visit, she led the field sample collections for different local grass species across several regional scales of geographic distances. Using culture-based, NGS tools and mycotoxin analysis, she seeks to identify the key endophytes that are capable of producing mycotoxin.

Lukas Beule

Visit Scholar (Sept 2017-Nov 2017); Lab phone: 850-875-7197

Lukas is currently the Ph.D. student at the University of Goettingen (Germany). He is a soil scientist specialized in microbial ecology, functional genes involved in nitrogen cycling and soil greenhouse gas fluxes. His recent research focused on alterations of microbial communities under forest pest outbreaks as well as the linkage between soil greenhouse gas fluxes and soil microorganisms. If he is not in the lab, you usually find him on a skateboard or taking pictures. His visit was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and involved him in our lab projects to receive training at NGS technology. During his stay, he led the lab project entitled "Links between bahiagrass cultivars and below ground microbial communities"