All About Wetlands >> Types

Not all wetlands are the same. There is significant diversity among wetland community types that result from abiotic and biotic environmental factors:

  • morphology
  • hydrology
  • water chemistry
  • soil characteristics
  • vegetation

Community types found in Florida

Click on the heading of each type for a more detailed description.

Coastal wetland types:

tidal salt marshesTidal salt marshes: some of the most productive ecosystems in world, found along temperate coastline, dominated by salt-tolerant grasses and rushes
mangrove swampsMangrove Swamps: sub-tropical coastal communities dominated by red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) or black mangrove species (Avicennia germinans) species; northern locations limited by freeze line

Inland wetland types:

Southern swamps: deepwater systems are primarily bald cypress-tupelo and pond cypress-black gum ecosystems, includes cypress domes, dwarf cypress swamps, lake edge swamps, cypress strands community types.
Freshwater Marshes: most diverse grouping of wetlands, dominated by herbaceous grasses, sedges, broad leafed monocots, and floating leafed aquatics; the classification of Florida's most famous wetland - the Florida Everglades
Riparian wetlandRiparian: occur adjacent to river and stream systems, commonly found throughout south central and southeastern US due to topography and rainfall


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