Refereed Publications


Beule L, Chen K-H, Hsu C-M, Mackowiak C, Dubeux JCB, Blount A, Liao H-L. Soil bacterial and fungal communities of six bahiagrass cultivars. Peer J (In review)

Liao H-L, Bonito G, Rojas A, Hameed K, Wu S, Schadt C, Labbe J, Tuskan G, Martin F, Grigoriev I, Vilgalys R. Metatranscriptomics reveals contrasting functions of fungal root endophytes in the rhizobiome of Populus trichocarpa. MPMI. DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-05-18-0133-R.

Chen K-H, Liao H-L, Bellenger J-P, Lutzoni F. 2019. Differential gene expression associated with fungal trophic shifts along the senescence gradient of the moss Dicranum scoparium. Environmental Microbiology (Accepted)


Chen K-H, Liao H-L, Arnold AE, Bonito G, Lutzoni F. 2018. RNA-based analyses reveal fungal communities structured by a senescence gradient in the moss Dicranum scoparium and the presence of putative multi-trophic fungi. New Phytologist 218: 1597–1611doi: 10.1111/nph.15092

Gryganskyi AP, Golan J, Dolatabadi S, Mondo S, Robb S, Idnurm A, Muszewska A, Steczkiewicz K, Masonjones S, Liao H-L, Gajdeczka MT, Anike F, Vuek A, Anishchenko IM, Voigt K, de Hoog GS, Smith ME, Heitman J, Vilgalys R, Stajich JE. 2018. Phylogenetic and Phylogenomic Definition of Rhizopus G3. 8:2007–2018.


Bonito, G., Hameed, K., Toome, M., Healy, R., Reid, C, Liao, H.-L. Cathie Aime, C., Schadt, C, Vilgalys, R. 2017. Atractiella rhizophilia, sp. nov., an endorrhizal fungus isolated from the populus root microbiome. Mycologia page 1-

Rosenthal, L., M., Larsson K.-H., Branco, S., Chung, J. A., Glassman, S. I., Liao, H.-L., Peay, K. G., Smith, D. P., Talbot, J. M., Taylor, J. W., Vilgalys, R., and Bruns, T. D. 2017. Survey of corticioid fungi in North American pinaceous forests reveals hyperdiversity, underpopulated sequence databases and species that are potentially ectomycorrhizal. Mycologia ISSN: 0027-5514 (Print) 1557-2536 (Online) Journal homepage:

Branco, S., Bi, K., Liao, H.-L., Gladieux, P., Badouin, H., Ellison, C. E.,Nguyen, N, Vilgalys, R., Peay, K. G., Taylor, J. W., Bruns, T. D. 2017. Continental-level population differentiation and environmental adaptation in the mushroom Suillus brevipes. Molecular Ecology 26:2063-2076.


Liao, H.-L., Chen, Y., and Vilgalys, R. 2016. Metatranscriptomic Study of Common and Host-Specific Patterns of Gene Expression between Pines and Their Symbiotic Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in the Genus Suillus. PLoS Genet 12(10): e1006348. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006348


Branco, S., Gladieux, P., Ellison, C. E., Kuo, A., LaButii, K., Lipzen, A., Grigoriev, I. V., Liao, H.-L., Vilgalys, R., Peay, K. G., Taylor, J. W., and Bruns, T. D. 2015. Genetic isolation between two recently diverged populations of a symbiotic fungus. Mol. Ecol. 24:2747-2758.


Liao, H.-L., Chen, Y., Bruns, T.D., Peay, K.G. Taylor, J.W. Branco, S., Talbot, J. M., and Vilgalys, R. 2014. Metatranscriptomic analysis of ectomycorrhizal roots reveal genes associated with Piloderma-Pinus symbiosis: Improved methodologies for assessing gene expression in situ. Environ. Microbiol. 16:3730-3742.

Talbot, J. M., Bruns, T. D., Taylor, J., Smith, D. P., Branco, Glassman, S. I., Erlandson, S., Vilgalys, R., Liao, H.-L. Smith, M., and Peay, K. G. 2014. Endemism and functional convergence across the North American soil mycobiome. PNAS 111:6341-6346.

2013 and before

Liao, H.-L., Alferez, F., and Burns, J. K. 2013. Assessment of blue light treatments on citrus postharvest diseases. Postharvest Biol. Tech. 81:81-88.

Bai J., Baldwin, E., Liao, H.-L., Kostenyuk, I., Burns, J. K., and Irey, M. 2013. Extraction of DNA from orange juice, and detection of bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by real-time PCR. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61:9339-9346.

Liao, H.-L., and Burns, J. K. 2012. Gene expression in Citrus sinensis fruit tissues harvested from huanglongbing-infected trees: comparison with girdled fruit. J. Expt. Bot. 63: 3307-3319.

Alferez, F., Liao, H.-L. and Burns, J. K. 2012b. Blue light alters infection by Penicillium digitatum in tangerines. Postharvest Biol. Tech. 63: 11-15.

Liao, H.-L., and Burns, J. K. 2010. Light controls phospholipaseA2α and β gene expression in Citrus sinensis. J. Expt. Bot. 61: 2469-2478.

Wang, L.-Y., Liao, H.-L., Bau, H-J., and Chung, K.-R. 2009. Characterization of pathogenic variants of Elsinoë fawcettii of citrus implies the presence of new pathotypes and cryptic species in Florida. Canadian J. Plant Pathol. 31: 28-37.

Wang, L.-Y., Bau, H-J., Liao, H.-L., and Chung, K.-R. 2009. Factors affecting the production of elsinochrome phytotoxin by the citrus scab pathogen, Elsinoë fawcettii. Open Mycol. J. 3: 1-8.

Liao, H.-L., and Chung, K.-R. 2008. Cellular toxicity of elsinochromes phytotoxins produced by the pathogenic fungus, Elsinoë fawcettii causing citrus scab. New Phytologist 117: 239-250.

Liao, H.-L., and Chung, K.-R. 2008. Genetic dissection defines the roles of elsinochromes phytotoxin for fungal pathogenesis and conidiation of the citrus pathogen Elsinoë fawcettii. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 21: 469-479.

Chung, K.-R., and Liao, H.-L. 2008. Determination of a transcriptional regulator-like gene involved in biosynthesis of elsinochromes phytotoxin by the citrus scab fungus, Elsinoë fawcettii. Microbiol. 154: 3556-3566.

Dekkers, K. L., You, B.-J., Chen, H., Gowda, V. S., Liao, H.-L., M.-H., Ueng, P. P., and Chung, K.-R. 2007. The Cercospora nicotianae gene encoding dual O-methyltransferase and FAD-dependent monooxygenase domains mediates cercosporin biosynthesis. Fungal Genet. Biol. 44: 444-454.

Non-refereed or not SCI Publications

Hsu C-M, Hameed K, Cotter V, Liao H-L. D.I.Y. FunGuide-- Grow your own oyster mushrooms at Home,

Hsu C-M, Hameed K, Cotter V, Liao H-L. Isolation of mother cultures and preparation of spawn for oyster mushroom cultivation,

Mackowiak C, Liao H-L, Blount A. 2019. Healthy pastures rely on healthy soils. Florida Cattlemen’s Association (FCA) Magazine, March issue

Blount A, Liao H-L, Chen K-H(p), Wallau M, Mayo D, Justesen B, Cooper C. 2018. Are endophytes and mycotoxins in Florida forages affecting cattle performance. Panhandle Ag e-News. University of Florida IFAS Extension.

Mackowiak C, Liao H-L, Dubeux J. 2017. Proceedings booklet, Title: Towards a more nitrogen efficient soil. NFREC Beef and Forage Field Day

Alferez F, Liao H-L. Burns JK. 2012. Light from different wavelengths affects expression of genes encoding phospholipases A2 and D in peel from mandarins at different maturation stage during postharvest storage. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 956:629-634.

Liao H-L, Chen H, Chung K-R. 2006. Plant hormone inhibitors for reducing postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus. Proc. Fla. State. Hort. Soc. 119:78-81.

Liao H-L, Huang TC, Chen C-Y. 2001. Characteristics of rose and aster strains of Agrobacterium in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull. 10: 27-36.

Chen C-Y, Liao H-L, Chung JC. 1999. Amplification of virD1 and opine synthase genes from tumorigenic rose and aster strains of Agrobacterium in Taiwan by polymerase chain reaction. Plant Pathol. Bull. 8: 143-148.