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Extension Soil Testing Lab

The UF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory in Gainesville offers a variety of tests for mineral soils, container media and irrigation water. Information about these tests can be obtained either directly from the Lab or by contacting your local County Extension Office. More...

Florida Wetlands

Learn about wetlands and locate a wetland near you to visit. Find out about your county's wetland resources or learn about current research findings and ongoing investigations. More...

Land Judging

Land Judging is an exciting 4-H and FFA contest in which Middle and High School students in observe and interpret the soil in order to make wise land use decisions. Students can compete at the county, state, and national levels. More...

Nutrient Management

The Nutrient Management Program promotes economically and environmentally sustainable agricultural production resulting in minimizing and improving nutrient impacts on water quality. The research component addresses critical nutrient management issues such as crop nutrient requirements, soil and tissue testing, nutrient related environmental concerns and interdependence with water management. The extension program, targeted to the public and private sectors and to the agricultural, urban, and environmental communities, emphasizes environmentally responsible nutrient management in the production of major agronomic and horticultural crops produced in Florida. More...

Water Quality and Agriculture

The Soil and Water Science extension program at the Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) focuses on demonstrating improved fertilizer management strategies through on-farm trials, grower and county extension workshops, and seek grower adoption of these practices; educating on using soil organic amendments for crop production and introduce new cover crops to growers through field demonstrations; and training on water quality concepts, sampling and chemical analysis.  More...