Message from the Chair
Please view a message about our department from our chair, Dr. Matt Whiles. More>>
Addresses and maps for main campus office, statewide locations and Extension Soil Testing Lab. More>>
General contact information and who to contact for undergraduate or graduate information and advising and for Extension Soil Testing Services. More>>
Human Resources
Forms and Resources for SWES Employees and Supervisors. More>>
News and Highlights
Read news and features from the Soil and Water Sciences Department blog and other news stories about departmental work. More>>
Browse current and past issues of the department's Myakka Newsletter and find research and extension publications, as well as links to the department's dissertations and theses. More>>
View the current seminar schedule and listen to recordings of previous departmental seminars. More>>
Research Forum
The Soil and Water Sciences Department holds an annual Research Forum each September. See information on the upcoming forum and on past research forums. More>>
Alumni can maintain their connection through the department's LinkedIn group (open only to alumni, students, and others affiliated with the SWS department) or by signing up to receive the newsletter and other email notifications. More>>
Consider a donation to support the Soil and Water Science Department's educational and research programs. More>>
Jobs and Assistantships
Current departmental job opportunities and assistantships available. More>>
Mission, Values, Vision, and Goals
The department's mission statement, core values, vision, and goals for the future. More>>
History of the Soil and Water Sciences Department's history and transition to its current educational and research focus. More>>