Research Methods Concentration
The Research Methods Concentration is designed for Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences M.S.-thesis students who are interested in learning and applying research methods for generating new knowledge to address problems. This concentration allows for the development of hands-on research skills in the traditional sense of developing and conducting all aspects of a research project, writing a thesis, and defending the resulting thesis. Under this concentration, students are required to take 7 credit hours of core coursework and 3 credit hours of research methods coursework (with the consent of the faculty advisor).
This concentration highlights a student's research development experience that resulted in a defensible thesis and ideally the submission of a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal for possible publication. This information is beneficial to research-oriented employers and universities considering applications for entrance into research programs (e.g., PhD).
- Statistics (3 credits)
- Research methods-based course (3 credits)
- Masters Research (SWS 6971, 3 credits)
- Seminar (SWS 6931, 1 credit) in final semester
For more information on the SWES Research Methods Concentration, please contact Michael J. Sisk, Academic Support – Graduate Programs, 352-294-3152,