The Soil and Water Sciences Department offers short courses and training sessions as a part of educational extension programs to field practitioners, environmental consultants, managers, and regulators involved in addressing soil and water quality issues.
Current Short Courses
Applied Soil Microbiology Training: Mycorrhizae
This training course is designed for scientists, organic farmers, and others interested in the practical and theoretical aspects of using mycorrhizal fungi to enhance plant growth and nutrient cycling.
Science & Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability
Phosphorus (P) is a non-renewable resource and essential for plant and human life, primarily as a fertilizer. We need to understand fate and transport of P in the natural system and ways in which it can potentially be conserved and reused. The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the P status in the agriculture, water, and environment sectors within the state of Florida. Completion of this course offers 3.0 CCA_CEUs. It is free and open to the public.
Current Training
Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Phosphorus Best Management Practices Training (in English and Spanish)
The goals of this on-demand, online workshop are to review and discuss the operating principles of the EAA Phosphorus Best Management Practices (BMP) program and provide participants with the latest implementation information. Certified Crop Advisor and Continuing Education Units (CCAs and CEUs) will be offered to workshop participants. This class is available online through December 24, 2024.
You can find current in-service training for UF/IFAS county and state Extension faculty online and on-demand through the UF/IFAS PDEC in-service training site.
Previous Short Courses
- Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
- Geospatial Technology Workshop Series
- Geostatistical Analysis of Environmental Data
- Hydric Soils (Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists)
- Land Application of Residuals
- Modern Methods for Detection of Water- and Soilborne Pathogens
- Soils for Professionals (Previously called Basic Soils)