George J. Hochmuth
Professor Emeritus, Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility
Program Areas
My teaching program focuses on teaching basic and applied concepts and practices for sustainable agricultural and urban land management. I teach courses on campus and via the web. My main course is “Sustainable Agricultural and Urban Land Management” taught each Fall. The teaching programs support student teaching goals of the department and College.
Departmental Research Areas:
- Management of Nutrients, Pesticides, and Wastes
Research focus:
My research program has focused on optimizing nutrient management for farm profitability and environmental sustainability. The program is built around the general area of nutrient best management practices. Projects covered include soil test calibration, determining fertilizer requirements and nutrient management practices for various crops, and measuring environmental impact of nutrient management programs. The research program trains graduate students and contributes to the general scientific knowledge base through publications in scientific journals. -
My Extension education program has been built around my research program and focuses on training county extension agents in the newest technologies and practices of nutrient best management practices. We conduct on-farm demonstration programs with farmers and county agents. I make educational presentations at many farmer workshops and conferences. I write extension factsheets containing information on nutrient best management practices.
Selected Publications
- Maynard, D. N., and G. J. Hochmuth. 2007. Knotts Handbook for Vegetable Growers, 5th ed. Wiley Interscience. J. Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. 619 pp.
- Treadwell, D. D., G. J. Hochmuth, R. C. Hochmuth, E. H. Simonne, L. L. Davis, W. A. Laughlin, Y. Li, T.,Olczyk, R. K. Sprenkel, and L. S. Osborne. 2007. Nutrient management in organic greenhouse herb production: Where are we now? HortTechnology 17:461-466. (A “top-ten” HortTech publication).
- Hochmuth, G., D. Cantliffe, C. Chandler, C. Stanley, E. Bish, E. Waldo, D. Legard, and J. Duval. 2006. Containerized strawberry transplants reduce establishment-period water use and enhance early growth and flowering compared with bare-root plants. HortTechnology 16:46-54.
- Hochmuth, G., D. Cantliffe, C. Chandler, C. Stanley, E. Bish, E. Waldo, D. Legard, and J. Duval. 2006. Fruiting responses and economics of containerized and bare-root strawberry transplants established with different irrigation methods. HortTechnology 16:205-210.
- Hochmuth, G., J. Brecht, and M. Bassett. 2006. Fresh-Market carrot yield and quality responses to K fertilization of a sandy soil validated by mehlich-1 soil test. HortTechnology 16:270-276.
- Hanlon, E., G. Hochmuth, T. O’Breza, and M. Chaplin. 2005. Phosphorus nutrition of vegetable crops and fruits. IN: J. T. Sims and A. N. Sharpley (eds.). Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment. The Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wisc.
- Soundy, P., D. J. Cantliffe, G. J. Hochmuth and P. J. Stoffella. 2005. Management of nitrogen and irrigation in lettuce transplant production affects transplant root and shoot development and subsequent crop yields. HortScience 40:607-610.
- Chaverria, Cesario Jasso, G. Hochmuth, R. Hochmuth, and S. Sargent. 2005. Fruit yield, size, and color responses of two greenhouse cucumber types to nitrogen fertilization in perlite soilless culture. HortTechnology 15:565-571.
- Hochmuth, G. J., and D. N. Maynard. 2003. Part 5. Nutritional disorders. P. 59-60. IN: K. Pernezny, P. Roberts, J. Murphy, and N. Goldberg (eds.) Compendium of Pepper Diseases. APS Press. The Amer. Phytopath. Soc. St. Paul, MN.
- Hochmuth, G. J. 2003. Progress in mineral nutrition and nutrient management for vegetable crops in the last 25 years. HortScience. 38(5):999-1003.
- Hochmuth, G. J., P. Weingartner, C. Hutchinson, A. Tilton, and D. Jessemen. 2002. Potato yield and tuber quality did not respond to phosphorus fertilization of soils testing high in phosphorus content. HortTechnology 12:420-423.
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