Robert S. Mansell
Professor Emeritus, Vadose Zone Hydrology
Program Areas
Departmental Research Areas:
- Management of Nutrients, Pesticides, and Wastes
- Wetlands and Aquatic Systems
Research focus:
Utilizes mathematical models and experiments to investigate the influence of coupled water and heat flows upon chemical transport in sandy Florida soils. Solutes of interest include nutrient cations/anions, and contaminants such as pesticides, organic lead and hydrazine.
Selected Publications
- Shinde, Dilip, R.S. Mansell , A.G. Hornsby, and M.R. Savabi. 2001. The Hydro-Thermal Environment in Plastic-Mulched Soil Beds: Modeling Analysis. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 60:64-71.
- Mansell, R. S., S. A. Bloom, and W. C. Downs. 2001. A multi-process model for transport of hydrazinium and two competing cations in water-saturated soil. J. Environ. Qual. 30:1540-1548.
- Mansell, R. S., S. A. Bloom, and Ge Sun. 2000. A model for Wetland Hydrology: Description and Evaluation. Soil Sci. 165:384-397.
- Dilip Shinde, A. G. Hornsby, R. S. Mansell, and M. R. Savabi. 2000. A Simulation Model for Fate and Transport of Methyl Bromide in Vegetable Plastic-Mulched Soil Beds. Pest Management Science 56:899-908.
- Mansell, R. S., J. H. Dane, Dilip Shinde, and H. H. Liu. 1998. Density-coupled water flow and contaminant transport in soils. In H. M. Selim (ed.). p. 369 - 385. Physical Nonequilibrium in Soils: Modeling and Application. Ann Arbor Press, New York.
- Chen, J. S., R. S. Mansell, P. Nkedi-Kizza, and B. A. Burgoa. 1995. Phosphorus transport during transient, unsaturated water flow in an acid sandy soil: Simulations and experiments. SSSAJ 60:42-48.
- Mansell, R. S., W. J. Bond, and S. A. Bloom. 1993. Simulating cation transport during water flow in soil: Two approaches. SSSAJ 57:3-9.