Golmar Golmohammadi
Assistant Professor, Watershed Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
Range Cattle Research and Education Center
Water Institute
Soil and Water Sciences
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Appointment: 60% research, 40% Extension
Watershed Hydrology and Program
Research and extension effors are focused on the following areas:
- Developing sustainable water management practices to conserve water and improve water quality in the face of future climate change
- Sustainable water recourses, both quantity and quality, by adopting appropriate water management methods and implementing best management practices to sustain water resources and production while protecting water quality under future climate change
Referred Journal Publications
- Saade, J., M. Atieh., S. Ghanimeh., and G. Golmohammadi. 2020. Modelling Impact of Climate Change on Surface Water Availability Using SWAT Model in a Semi-arid Basin: Case of El Kalb River, Lebanon. Hydrology Journal (Submitted).
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, G. Parkin, P. B. Kulasekera, M. Macrae and P.K. Goel. 2021. Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on Tile Discharge and Nitrogen Yield using DRAINMOD Model. Hydrology Journal (2021).
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, P.K. Goel, S.O. Prasher, A. Madani and, K. Mohammadi. 2020. Modelling Streamflow and Sediment Yields in an Agricultural Watershed in Southern Ontario Under Current and Future Climate Change. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environmental. 17(3 and 4):85-98.
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, T. Dickinson, P.K. Goel, and M. Veliz. 2017. Predicting the Temporal Variation of Flow Contributing Areas Using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology. 547 (2017) 375-386.
- Atieh, M., R.P. Rudra, B. Gharabaghi, Golmohammadi, and K. Mohammadi. 2017. Addressing Irrigation Water Deficiency in Lebanon. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environmental. 15(2):16-63.
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, P. K. Goel. 2017. Impact of Climate Change on Water Budget Using SWATDRAIN Model. Journal of Climate. 5(39):1-12.
- Golmohammadi, G., S.O. Prasher, R.P. Rudra, A. Madani, M. Youssef, K. Mohammadi, and P. Goel. 2016. Impact of Tile Drainage on Water Budget and Spatial Distribution of Sediment Generating Areas in an Agricultural Watershed. Journal of Agricultural Water Management. 184 (2017) 124-134.
- Stang, C., B. Gharabaghi, R.P. Rudra, Golmohammadi, A.K. Mahboubi, and S.I. Ahmed. 2016. Conservation Management Practices - Success Story of the Hog Creek and Sturgeon River Watersheds, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. (71) 237-248.
- Jafari, F., S, Javadi, Golmohammadi, N, Karimi, and M. Mohammadi. 2016. Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Aquifer-System Compaction with SUB Package and the use of InSAR technique in Saveh Basin, Iran. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75:833.
- Jafari, F., S, Javadi, Golmohammadi, K. Mohammadi, A, Khodadadiand M. Mohammadzadeh. 2016. Groundwater Risk Mapping Prediction Using Mathematical Modelling and the Monte Carlo Technique. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75:491.
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, S.O. Prasher, A. Madani, P.K. Goel, and K. Mohammadi. 2016. Modelling the Impacts of Tillage Practices on Water Table Depth, Drain Outflow and Nitrogen Losses using DRAINMOD. Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 124(2016)73-83.
- Golmohammadi, G., S.O. Prasher, A. Madani, R.P. Rudra and M. Youssef. 2016. SWATDRAIN, a New Model to Simulate the Hydrology of Agricultural Lands, Model Development and Evaluation. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 141(1): 31-47.
- Abyaneh, H. Z., M. Bayat, K. Mohammadi, and Golmohammadi. 2016. Soil Temperature Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network and Co-active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System in Two Different Climates. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 9:377.
- Golmohammadi, G., R.P. Rudra, S. O. Prasher, A. Madani, P.K. Goel, and K. Mohammadi 2016. Effect of Controlled Drainage on Watershed Hydrology. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 9(582), 3-7.
- Gholamabbas, S., L. Vasel, A. A. Besalatpour, B. Gharabaghi, and Golmohammadi. 2015. Modelling Blue and Green Water Resources Availability in an Iranian Data Scarce Watershed Using SWAT. Journal of Water Management Modelling C391. doi:10.14796/JWMM.C391.
- Golmohammadi, G., S.O. Prasher, A. Madani, R.P. Rudra, and M. Youssef. 2014. "Evaluating Three Hydrological Distributed Watershed Models: MIKE SHE, APEX and SWAT" Hydrology Journal. 1(1):1-39.
- Research Associate/Lecturer, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada, 2017 – Present
- Water Resources Engineer, Aquafor Beech Ltd., Canada, 2016 - Present
- Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada, 2014 – 2017
Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Bioresource Engineering, McGill University, Canada, 2011 – 2014.
Membership in Professional societies:
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Ranch Cattle Research and Education Center
University of Florida
3401 Experiment Station
Ona, FL 33865-9706
(863) 374-7053
(863) 735-1930 fax
email: g.golmohammadi@ufl.edu