Jehangir Bhadha
Associate Professor, Soil, Water & Nutrient Management
Everglades Research and Education Center
Jehangir Bhadha's EREC Profile Page
Program areas
Research focus:
Water Quality, Soil Sustainability, Sustainable Agriculture & Nutrient Management.
Specific research areas include phosphorus cycling in natural ecosystems; application of soil amendments and soil fertility, and advancing sustainable agriculture research.
Select Publications 2021-present
- Serrano, T., Brym, Z.T., Monserate, L., Gu-Her, Y., Stanford, J., Bhadha, J.H., Singh, H., Sharma, L.K., Upadhyaya, Y.R., Griffin, W.D., Shellenbarger, H.T. 2025. Nitrogen fertilizer effects on hemp biomass production detected by drone-based spectral imaging. HortScience. 60: 353–361.
- Xu, N., Bhadha, J.H., Rabbany, A., Swanson, S., McCray, J.M., Li, Y., Strauss, S.L., Mylavarapu, R.S. 2025. Soil health assessment of incorporating bagasse in a commercial sugarcane production system on mineral soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
- Jesmin, T., Amgain, N.R., Rabbany, A., Manirakiza N., Capasso, J., Korus, K., Bhadha, J.H. 2024. On farm soil health assessment across seven sub-tropical cover crop management systems. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 8:e70022.
- Deviney, A.V., Bhadha, J.H., Crane, L., Cuchiara, M., Delanthamajalu, S., Gatiboni, L., Guzman, S.M., Hendren, C.O., Marshall, A-M., Morrison, E., Nelson, N., Rickabaugh, J., Sozzani, R., Westerhoff , P., Jones, J.L. 2024. Triple bottom line scenario sites as boundary objects for integrating diverse disciplines in convergent research. Sustainability. 16: 10429. su162310429
- Santos, F., Melkani, S., Oliverra-Paiva, O., Bini, D., Pavuluri, K., Gatiboni, L., Mahmud, A., Torres, M., McLamore, E., Bhadha, J.H. 2024. Biofertilizer use in the United States: definition, regulation, and prospects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 108: 511.
- Boyer, T.H., Briese, E., Crane, L., Bhadha J.H., Call, D.F., McLamore, E.S., Rittmann, B., Tuberty, S., Westerhoff, P., Duckworth, O.W. 2024. Guidance on aqueous matrices for evaluating novel precipitants and adsorbents for phosphorus removal and recovery. Chemosphere. 367. 143648.
- Jesmin, T., Fan, F., Rabbany, A., VanWeelden, M., Bhadha, J.H. 2024. Optimization of phosphorus and potassium use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa L) under different flood depths within the Everglades Agricultural Area. Journal of Plant Nutrition.
- Chambers, L.G., Mirabito, A.J., Brew, S., Nitsch, C.K., Bhadha, J.H., Hurst, N.R., Berkowitz, J.F. 2024. Evaluating permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC)’s potential for differentiating carbon pools in wetland soils. Ecological Indicators. 167: 112624.
- Dash, A.K., Tripathy, S., Naveenkumar, A., Bhoi, T.K., Kumari, A., Divya, Latare, A.M, Nandipamu, T.M.K., Singh, V., Raza, M.B., Saraswat, A., Bhadha J.H. 2024. Biochar for pollutants bioremediation from soil and water ecosystem. Chapter 21, In: Biochar Production for Green Economy. Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives. Elsevier Inc. Academic Press. Netherlands. pp 433-452.
- Fan, Y., Amgain, N.R., Rabbany, A., Manirakiza, N., Bai, X., VanWeelden, M., Bhadha J.H. 2024. Assessing flood-depth effects on water quality, nutrient uptake, carbon sequestration, and rice yield cultivated on Histosols. Climate Smart Agriculture. 1: 100005.
- Bai, X., Smidt, S.J., Fan, Y., Brophy, T., Her, Y-G., Manirakiza, N., Li, Y., Bhadha, J.H. 2024. Farming shallow soils: Impacts of soil depth on crop growth in the Everglades Agricultural Area of Florida, USA. Field Crops Research. 316: 109523.
- Torres, M.J., Moreira, G., Bhadha, J.H., McLamore, E.S. 2024. Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fungi as Inspiration for Sustainable Technology. Encyclopedia. 4: 1188-1200.
- Loizzo, J., Hundemer, S., Spandau, G., Smidt, S., Akers, A., Bhadha, J.H., Her, Y-G. 2024. An exploration of early career agricultural and natural resource scientists’ perceptions of social responsibility. International Journal of Science Education. - Melkani, S., Singh, V., Bhadha, J.H. 2024. Quantifying the impact of different agroforestry systems on soil carbon fractions lability and long-term carbon sequestration in Central Himalayas. Soil Use and Management.
- Fan, Y., Zhuang, J., Essington, M., Zhang, X., Hua, G., Bhadha, J.H., Xia, S., Lu, X., Lee, J. 2023. Characterizing the role of hydraulic retention time on nitrate removal indices in denitrifying bioreactors by nonlinear models. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 32: 103431.
- Yuchuan, F., Essington, M., Zhuang, J., Zhang, X., Jagadamma, S., Schwartz, J., Huang, J., Bhadha, J.H., Lee, J. 2023. Recycling silage leachate and biochar for improving nitrate removal by woodchip bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Management.
- Vieira-Filho, L.O., Silveira, M.L., Kohmann, M.M., Sales, C.A.R., Sollenberger, L.E., Bhadha, J.H., Strauss, S.L., Moriel, P. 2023. Water table effect on phosphorus solubility in biosolids-amended soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
- Xu, N., Amgain, N.R., Rabbany, A., McCray, J.M., Li, Y., Strauss, S.L., Mylavarapu, R., Bhadha, J.H. 2023. Field incubation studies on nutrient mineralization of bagasse on Spodosols and Histosols in Florida. Agriculture. 13:975.
- Bhadha, J.H., Xu, N., Amgain, N.R., Rbbany, A., Swanson, S. 2023. Utilization of bagasse as a soil amendment in sugarcane production on mineral soils in Florida. International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 31: 130–137.
- Kreutz, G.F. Bhadha, J.H., Liu, G.D., Sandoya, G.V. 2023. Identifying lettuce accessions for efficient use of phosphorus in hydroponics. HortScience. 58: 467-474.
- McLamore, E., Duckworth, O., Boyer, T.H., Marshall, A-M., Call, D.F., Bhadha, J.H. Guzman, S. 2023. Perspective: Phosphorus monitoring must be rooted in sustainability frameworks spanning material scale to human scale. Water Research X. 19: 100168.
- Amgain, N.R., Martens-Habbena, W., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Effect of dry and flooded rice as cover crops on soil health and microbial community on Histosols. Sustainable Agriculture Research Journal. 11: 40-49. https://doi:10.5539/sar.v11n4p40
- Amgain, N.R., Xu, N., Rabbany, A., Fan, Y., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Developing soil health scoring indices based on a comprehensive database under different land management practices in Florida. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment.
- Amgain, R.A., Fan, Y., VanWeelden, M.T., Rabbany, A., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. From ground to grain: Tracing phosphorus and potassium in flooded rice cultivar grown on Histosols. Agriculture. 12, 1250.
- Tootoonchi, M., Gettys, L.A., Ferrell, J.A., Erickson, J.E., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Salt tolerance assessment of aquatic and wetland plants: increased salinity can reshape aquatic vegetation communities. Hydrobiologia.
- Xu, N., Bhadha, J.H., Rabbany, A., Swanson, S., McCray, M.J., Li, Y.C., Strauss, S.L., Mylavarapu, R. 2022. Sugarcane bagasse amendments mitigate nutrient leaching from mineral soils under tropical humid conditions. Pedosphere.
- Percivall, K., Amgain, N.R., Inglett, K., Strauss, S.L., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Phosphorous remediation using alginate/glomalin biobeads: Examining structural cohesivity, nutrient retention, and reapplication viability. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences.
Ma, C., Li, Z., Mwagona, P.C., Rabbany, A., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton groups and its relationship with environmental variables in Lake Okeechobee, USA. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 37: 173-187.
- Xu, N., Amgain, N.R., Rabbany, A., Capasso, J., Korus, K., Swanson, S., Bhadha, J.H. 2022. Interaction of soil health indicators to different regenerative
farming practices on mineral soils. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 5 :e20243. - Kreutz, G.F., Bhadha, J.H., Sandoya, G.V. 2022. Examining phosphorus use efficiency across different lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) accessions. Euphytica. 218:28.
- Amgain, N.R., Rabbany, A., Galindo, S., Bhadha, J.H. 2021. Effects of Water Management Strategies and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Rice Yield Cultivated on Histosols. Journal of Rice Research and Developments. 4(1): 331-338.
- Barbier, M., Rabbany, A., Bhadha, J.H. 2021. Assessing the effect of basalt rock fines, activated humic substances and its interaction on rice growth and yield. Journal of Rice Research. 9: 260.
Select Publications 2017-2021
- Amgain N.R., Zacharias, Q., Rabbany, A., Bhadha, J.H. 2021. Effect of Sulfur on Rice Water Quality, Nutrient Uptake, and Yields Grown on Shallow Histosols. Journal of Rice Research and Developments. 4(1): 324-330.
- Duersch, B.G., Powers, M.O., Newman, S., Ricca, J.G., Bhadha J.H., Louda, W.J. 2021. Phosphorus retention within a relic agricultural ditch in a constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality.
- Xu, N., Bhadha, J.H., Rabbany, A., Swanson, S., McCray, M.J., Li, Y.C., Strauss, S.L., Mylavarapu, R. 2021. Crop nutrition and yield response of bagasse application of sugarcane grown on a mineral soil. Agronomy. 11, 1526.
- Alvarez, D.A., Cadavid, N.A., Childs, C.A., Cupelli, M.F., De Leao, V.A., Diaz, A.M., Eldridge, S.A., Elhabashy, Y.B., Fleming, A.E., Fox, N.A., Franco, M., Gaspari, J.C., Gerstin, I.M., Gibson, K.A., Huott, A.L., Johnson, A.O., Majhess, E.G., Mantilla, G., Perez, G.S., Prieto, J.J., Reutter, B.C., Rivera, E.I., Rootes, T.R., Sellers, J., Streibig A.M., Wilkinson, J.S., Zayas-Bazan, S., Bhadha, J.H., Clum, A., Daum, C., Glavina del Rio T., Lail, K., Roux, S., Eloe-Fadrosh, E.A., Benskin, J.B. 2021. Metagenomes from the Loxahatchee wildlife refuge in the Florida Everglades. bioRxiv.
- Bhadha, J.H., Xu, N., Rabbany, A., Amgain, N.R., Capasso, J., Korus, K., Swanson, S. 2021. On-farm soil health assessment of cover-cropping in Florida. Sustainable Agriculture Research Journal. 10(2): 17-32.
- Ma, C., Zhao, C., Mwagona, P.C., Li, Z., Liu, Z., Dou, H., Zhou, X., Bhadha, J.H. 2021. Bottom-up and top-down effects on phytoplankton functional groups in Hulun, China. Ann. Limnol. - International Journal of Limnology. 57(3).
- Fu, Y., Bhadha, J.H., Rott, P., Beuzelin, J.M,, Kanissery, R. 2020 Investigating the use of aquatic weeds as biopesticides towards promoting sustainable agriculture. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237258.
- Duersch, B., Bhadha, J.H., Root, T.L., Louda, W.L. 2020. The role of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in sequestering phosphorus compounds and trace elements: Speciation and dynamics. Science of the Total Environment.
- Capasso, J., Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Bacon, A. 2020. Effect of introduced flow and aquatic vegetation on phosphorus loads of agricultural drainage. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution.
- Capasso, J., Bhadha, J.H., Bacon, A., Vardanyan, L., Khatiwada, R., Pachon, J., Clark, M., Lang, T.A. 2020. Influence of flow on phosphorus-dynamics and particle size in agricultural drainage ditch sediments. PLOS ONE.
- Jennewein, S.P., Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., McCray, J.M., Singh, M.P., Cooper, J., Daroub, S.H., 2019. Impacts of flooding, nitrogen-fertilization, and soil-depths on sugarcane nutrients grown on Histosols. Journal of Plant Nutrition.
- Alvarado, J.S., McCray, M.J., Erickson, J.E., Sandhu, H.S., Bhadha, J.H. 2019. Sugarcane biomass yield response to phosphorus fertilizer on four mineral soils as related to extractable soil phosphorus. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
- Xu, N., Bhadha, J.H., Rabbany, A., Swanson, A. 2019. Soil health assessment of two regenerative farming practices on sandy soils. Sustainable Agriculture Research Journal. 8: 61-71. doi:10.5539/sar.v8n4p61
- Bhadha, J.H., Khatiwada, R., Tootoonchi, M., Capasso, J. 2019. Interpreting redox potential (Eh) and diffusive fluxes of phosphorus (P) and nitrate (NO3-) from commercial rice grown on histosols. Paddy and Water Environment.
- Cherry, R., and Bhadha, J.H. 2019. Response of sugarcane wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridea) and white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to ethanol in soils. Journal of Entomological Science. 54: 54-61.
- Zhang, Z., Wang, J.J., Lyu, X., Jiang, M., Bhadha, J.H., Wright, A. 2019. Impacts of land-use change on soil organic matter chemistry in the Everglades, Florida - a characterization with pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Geoderma. 338: 393-400.
- Bhadha, J.H., Khatiwada, R., Galindo, S., Xu, N., Capasso, J. 2018. Evidence of soil health benefits of flooded rice compared to fallow practice. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 7: 31-41. doi:10.5539/sar.v7n4p31
- Tootoonchi, M., Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., McCray, M., Clark, M.W., Dauroub, S.H. 2018. Reducing drainage water phosphorus concentration with rice cultivation under different water management regimes. Agricultural Water Management. 205: 30-37.
- Orndorff, S.G., Lang, T.A., Bhadha, J.H., McCray, M.J., Daroub, S.H. 2018. Sugarcane by-products used as soil amendments on sandy soil: Effects on sugarcane crop nutrition and yield. Journal of Plant Nutrition.
- Alvarez O., Lang, T.A., Bhadha, J.H., McCray, M.J., Glaz, B., Daroub, S.H. 2018. Biochar and mill ash improve yields of sugarcane on sandy soil in Florida. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 253: 112-130.
- Bhadha, J.H., and Schroeder, B.L. 2017. Best Management Practices for maintaining water quality in sugarcane cultivation. Chapter In (Ed. Rott, P.), Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Sugarcane Volume 1: Cultivation techniques, quality and sustainability. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78676-144-6.
- Bhadha, J.H., Sexton, A., Lang, T.A., Daroub, S.H. 2017. Capturing flow-weighted water and suspended particulates from agricultural canals during drainage events. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 129: 1-6. doi:10.3791/56088.
Select Publications 2007-2017
- Bhadha, J.H., Capasso, J.M., Khatiwada, R., Swanson, S., LaBorde, C. 2017. Raising Soil Organic Matter Content to Improve Water Holding Capacity. University of Florida IFAS EDIS Publication# SL447.
- Bhadha, J.H., Jennewein, S., Khatiwada, R. 2017. Phosphorus Sorption Behavior of Torrefied Agricultural Byproducts Under Sonicated Versus Non-sonicated Conditions. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 6: 1-11.
- Bhadha, J.H., Capasso, J., Schindelbeck, R., Bacon, A. 2017. Tools for Evaluating Soil Health. University of Florida IFAS EDIS Publication# SL443.
- Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Daroub, S.H. 2017. Influence of suspended particulates on phosphorus loading exported from farm drainage during a storm event in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 17: 240-252.
- Bhadha, J.H., Trotta, L., VanWeelden, M. 2016. Trends in Rice Production and Varieties in the Everglades Agricultural Area. University of Florida IFAS EDIS Publication# SL439.
- Bhadha J.H., Alvarez O., Lang, T.A., Giurcanu M.C., Daroub S.H. 2016. Growth efficacy of sorghum and rice amended with dried versus composted aquatic vegetation. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 5: 92-102.
- Bhadha J.H., and VanWeelden M. 2016. Arsenic Accumulation in Rice (Oryza sativa): An Overview. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research. 2: 72-75.
- Cherry, R., Tootoomchi, M., Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Karounos, M., Daroub, S.H. 2015. Effect of Flood Depth on Rice water Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations in Florida Rice Fields. Journal of Entomological Science. 50: 311-317.
- Lang, T.A., Daroub, S.H., Lentini, R.S., Bhadha, J.H. 2015. Water Management for Florida Sugarcane Production. University of Florida IFAS EDIS Publication# SSAGR231.
- Gomez, S.M., Lang, T.A., Bhadha, J.H., McCray, J.M., Daroub, S.H., Giurcanu, M.C. 2015. Sugarcane responses to agricultural by-products applied to sandy soil in south Florida. Agronomy Journal. (Under Review).
- Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Gomez, S.M., Daroub, S.H., Giurcanu, M.C. 2015. Effect of aquatic vegetation on phosphorus loads in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 53: 44-53.
- Bhadha, J.H., Jennewein, S., Sanchez, J., Lang, T. 2014. Producing Biochar using a custom designed Top-lit Updraft (TLUD) gasifier. University of Florida IFAS EDIS Publication# SL413.
- Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Daroub, S.H. 2014. Seasonal delivery of organic matter and metals to farm canals: effect on sediment phosphorus storage capacity. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 14: 991-1003 doi: 10.1007/s11368-013-0832-x.
- Bhadha, J.H., Lang, T.A., Alvarez, O.M., Giurcanu, M.C., Johnson, J.V., Odero, D.C., Daroub, S.H. 2014. Allelopathic Effects of Pistia stratiotes (Araceae) and Lyngbya wollei Farlow ex Gomont (Oscillariaceae) on Seed Germination and Root Growth. Sustainable Agriculture Research. 3: 121-130. doi 10.5539/sar.v3n4p121.
- Rice, R., Bhadha. J.H., Lang, T.A., Daroub S., Baucum, L. 2013. Farm-Level Phosphorus-Reduction Best Management Practices in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Florida State Horticultural Society. Annual Proceeding. NR-3.
- Bhadha, J.H. 2012. Isolated wetlands within the Lake Okeechobee drainage basin of Florida: source and sink of phosphorus. Chapter In (Eds. Baranyai, A. & Benkô, D.), Wetlands: Ecology, Management and Conservation. Nova Science Publishers. NJ.
- Das, J., Daroub, S. H., Bhadha, J.H., Lang,T. A., Josan, M.S. 2012. Phosphorus release and equilibrium dynamics of canal sediments within the Everglades Agricultural Area, Florida. Water Air Soil Pollution. 223: 2865-2879.
- Bhadha, J. H., Daroub, S. H., Lang, T. A. 2012. Effect of kinetic control, soil:solution ratio, electrolyte cation, and others, on equilibrium phosphorus concentration. Geoderma. 173-174: 209-214.
- Das, J., Daroub, S. H., Bhadha, J.H., Lang,T. A., Diaz, O., Harris, W. 2011. Physicochemical assessment of main and farm canal sediments within the Everglades Agricultural Area, Florida. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 12: 952-965.
- Miller, M., Bhadha, J. H., O’Connor, G. A., Jawitz, J. W., Mitchell, J. 2011. Aluminum water treatment residuals as permeable reactive barrier sorbents to reduce phosphorus losses. Chemosphere. 83: 978-983.
- Bhadha, J. H., Jawitz, J. W., Min, J-H. 2010. Phosphorus mass balance and internal load in an impacted subtropical isolated wetland. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 218: 619-632.
- Bhadha, J. H., Harris, W. G., Jawitz, J. W. 2010. Soil Phosphorus Release and Storage Capacity from an Impacted Subtropical Wetland. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 74: 1816-1825.
- Bhadha, J. H.,and Jawitz, J. W. 2010. Characterizing deep soils from an impacted subtropical isolated wetland: Implications for phosphorus storage. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 10: 514-525.
- Bhadha, J. H., Schmidt, C., Rooney, R., Indeglia, P., Kertesz, R., Bevc, E., Sansalone, J. J. 2009. Granulometric and metal distributions for post-Katrina surficial particulate matter recovered from New Orleans. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 45: 1434-1447.
- Bhadha, J. H., and Jawitz, J. W. 2008. The coastal dune lakes of Florida: Trends in Water quality and changing land-use practices. Water Resources IMPACT. 10: 15-18.
- Bhadha, J. H., Martin, J., B., Jaeger, J., Lindenberg, M., Cable, J., E. 2007. Surface and pore water mixing in estuaries: implications for nutrient and Si cycling. Journal of Coastal Research. 23: 878-891.
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UF/IFAS Everglades Research and Education Center
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