Kanika Sharma Inglett
Research Assistant Professor, Environmental Microbiology
Program Areas
- SWS 6366 Bioremediation and Biodegradation of Contaminants
- SWS 6448 Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
Departmental Research Areas:
Research focus:
- Studying the effect of vegetation on decomposition of organic matter and greenhouse gas production and oxidation.
- Aquatic food webs to study the trophic interactions between microbial functional groups in Florida Everglades.
- Characterization of microbial communities associated with the early development of soils in a calcareous wetland soil using phospholipids fatty acid analysis.
- Biogeochemical succession in early development of soils using nutrient and soil enzyme analysis.
- Investigation of biogeochemical, physical and biological mechanisms that influence the phosphatase production in the periphyton mats.
- Linking structure and functions in periphyton mats by using enzyme labeled fluorescent (ELF) substrate and fluorescence microscopy.
Select Publications
- Inglett KS, Inglett PW., Osborne TZ., Reddy KR. 2011 Temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas production in wetland soils of different vegetation Biogeochemistry, doi:10.1007/s10533-011-9573-3
- Torres IC., Inglett, KS., Reddy KR. 2010. Heterotrophic microbial activity in lake sediments: effects of organic electron donors. Biogeochemistry. doi 10.1007/s10533- 010-9494-6
- Smith C., Serra L., Li Y., Inglett P, Inglett K. 2010 Restoration of Disturbed Lands: The Hole-in-the Donut restoration in the Everglades. CRC Reviews in Environmental Science. 41: 723-739
- Ogram, A., Chauhan A., Inglett K., Jayachandran K., Newman S. 2010 The role of microbial ecology in Everglades restoration- CRC Reviews in Environmental Science 41:289-308
- Ye R., Wright, AL., Inglett K., Wang Y., Ogram AV., Reddy KR. 2009. Land use> effects on soil nutrient cycling and microbial community dynamics in the Everglades Agricultural Area, Florida Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 40: 2725 – 2742.
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Curriculum Vitae
CV Kanika Inglett

Mailing Address:
Soil and Water Sciences Department
2181 McCarty Hall, PO Box 110290
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
3161 McCarty Hall A
(352) 294-3164
(352) 392-3399 fax
email: kanika@ufl.edu