Ashley Smyth
Assistant Professor, Biogeochemistry
Tropical Research and Education Center
Ashley Smyth's TREC Profile Page
Program Areas
Departmental Research Areas:
- Nutrient, Pesticide and Waste Management
- Carbon Dynamics and Ecosystem Services
- Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems
Research focus:
My research includes aspects of biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and marine ecology. I use field observations and laboratory manipulation experiments to understand how environmental change and disturbance influence the fate and transport of nutrients in coastal and marine ecosystems.
My extension program focuses on increasing public awareness regarding climate predictions for South Florida.
Selected Publications
- Smyth, A.R., N.R. Geraldi, S.P. Thompson, M.F. Piehler. 2016. Biological activity exceeds biogenic structure in influencing sediment denitrification in experimental oyster reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 530:173-183 [doi: 10.3354/meps11922].
- Smyth, A.R., N.R. Geraldi, M.F. Piehler. 2013. Oyster-mediated benthic-pelagic coupling modifies nitrogen pools and processes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 493:23-30 [doi: 10.3354/meps10516].
- Smyth, A.R., S. P. Thompson, K.N. Siporin+, W. S. Gardner, M. J. McCarthy, M. F. Piehler. Assessing nitrogen dynamics throughout the estuarine landscape. 2013. Estuaries and Coasts 63 (1): 44-55 [doi:10.1007/s12237-012-9554-3].
- Grabowski, J.H., R.D. Brumbaugh, R. Conrad, A.G. Keeler, J. Opaluch, C.H. Peterson, M.F. Piehler, S.P. Powers, A.R. Smyth. 2012. Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by oyster reefs. Bioscience 61(10): 900-909 [doi: 10.1525/bio.2012.62.10.10]
- Piehler, M.F., A.R. Smyth. 2011. Habitat-specific distinctions in estuarine denitrification affect both ecosystem function and services. Ecosphere 2:art12. [doi:10.1890/ES10-00082.1]. Featured in ESA’s Centennial Special among most notable articles. Faculty of 1000 Recommended Article
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Tropical Research and Education Center
University of Florida
18905 SW 280th Street
Homestead, FL 33031-3314
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