Ann C. Wilkie
Research Professor, Bioenergy and Sustainable Technology
Bioenergy and Sustainable Technology Lab
Program Areas
Departmental Research Areas:
Research focus:
Investigates and develops bioremediation techniques for agricultural and industrial wastes, with emphasis on the microbial and environmental factors influencing biodegradation. Current focus includes livestock waste management technology for odor control, energy production, nutrient recovery and water quality improvement.
Selected Publications
- Mussoline, W.A. and Wilkie, A.C. (2017). Feed and fuel: the dual-purpose advantage of an industrial sweetpotato. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97:1567-1575. DOI: 1002/jsfa.7902
- Wilkie, A.C., Graunke, R.E. and Cornejo, C. (2015). Food waste auditing at three Florida schools. Sustainability 7(2):1370-1387. DOI: 3390/su7021370
- Graunke, R.E. and Wilkie, A.C. (2014). Examining the mechanisms of short-term solubilization of ground food waste for high-rate anaerobic digestion. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 86:327-333. DOI: 1016/j.ibiod.2013.10.007
- Edmundson, S.J and Wilkie, A.C. (2013). Landfill leachate – a water and nutrient resource for algae-based biofuels. Environmental Technology 34(13-14):1849-1857. DOI: 1080/09593330.2013.826256
- Wilkie, A.C., Edmundson, S.J. and Duncan, J.G. (2011). Indigenous algae for local bioresource production: Phycoprospecting. Energy for Sustainable Development 15(4):365-371. DOI: 1016/j.esd.2011.07.010
- Wilkie, A.C. and Evans, J.M. (2010). Aquatic plants: an opportunity feedstock in the age of bioenergy. Biofuels 1(2):311-321. DOI: 4155/bfs.10.2
- Wilkie, A.C. (2008). Biomethane from Biomass, Biowaste and Biofuels. In: Bioenergy, J.D. Wall, C.S. Harwood and A. Demain (eds,), American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC, p.195-205. DOI: 1128/9781555815547.ch16
- Wilkie, A.C., Smith, P.H. and Bordeaux, F.M. (2004). An economical bioreactor for evaluating biogas potential of particulate biomass. Bioresource Technology 92(1):103-109. DOI: 1016/j.biortech.2003.08.007
- Sooknah, R.D. and Wilkie, A.C. (2004). Nutrient removal by floating aquatic macrophytes cultured in anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater. Ecological Engineering 22(1):27-42. DOI: 1016/j.ecoleng.2004.01.004
- Hanselman, T.A., Graetz, D.A. and Wilkie, A.C. (2003). Manure-borne estrogens as potential environmental contaminants: A review. Environmental Science & Technology 37(24):5471-5478. DOI: 1021/es034410+
- Wilkie, A.C. and Mulbry, W.W. (2002). Recovery of dairy manure nutrients by benthic freshwater algae. Bioresource Technology. 84(1):81-91. DOI: 1016/S0960-8524(02)00003-2
- Wilkie, A.C., Riedesel, K.J. and Owens, J.M. (2000). Stillage characterization and anaerobic treatment of ethanol stillage from conventional and cellulosic feedstocks. Biomass and Bioenergy 19(2):63-102. DOI: 1016/S0961-9534(00)00017-9
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Extension Publications (EDIS)

Mailing Address:
Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
PO Box 110960
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0960
Shipping/Physical Address:
2610 SW 23rd Terrace, Building 246
Soil and Water Sciences Department
Energy Research and Education Park
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32608
(352) 392-8699
(352) 392-7008 fax