Associate Professor, Nutrient Management and Water Quality
North Florida Research and Education Center
Cheryl Mackowiak's NFREC Profile Page
Departmental Research Areas:
Research focus:
Studies elemental (N, P, C) cycling in soils under perennial pasture-hay cropping systems and soil fertility requirements for nutrient best management practice (BMP) advancement. Research emphasizes the development of soil nutrient management strategies for improving soil and water quality and soil assimilative capacity for municipal and agronomic wastes.
The intent of my extension program is to promote good soil stewardship and provide an understanding and appreciation of soil fertility and its interaction with other environmental influences on plant mineral nutrition.
North Florida Research and Education Center
University of Florida
155 Research Rd.
Quicy, FL 32351
(850) 875-7126
(850) 875-7188 fax