Rao S. Mylavarapu
Professor, Sustainable Nutrient Systems
Program Areas
Departmental Research Areas:
Research focus:
Focuses on extension and research programs in soil and nutrient management.
Select Publications
- Marupaka, V., R.S. Mylavarapu, J. Bergeron, Samuel Smidt, G. Hochmuth, E. van Santen. 2022. Comparing boron soil testing methods for coastal plain sandy soils. Comm. Soil Sci and Plant Anal. 53(12):1456-1472 https://doi.org/10.1080/00103
- Herrera, D*., R.S. Mylavarapu, W. Harris and J. Colee. 2022. Influence of Source on Relations Between Water-Soluble and other Forms of Extractable Phosphorus. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal. 53(12)1445-1455 https://doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2022.2046040
- Nan Xu*, J.H. Bhadha, A. Rabbany, S. Swanson, J.M. McCray, Y.C. Li, S. Strauss and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2021. Sugarcane bagasse amendments mitigate nutrient leaching from mineral soils under tropical humid conditions. Pedosphere.
- J. V. Zeghbroeck*, G. Liu, R. S. Mylavarapu and Y.C. Li. 2021. Phosphorus Management Strategies for Potato Production in Florida. American J. Potato Res. doi.org/10.1007/s12230-021-09851-2
- Nan Xu*, J.H. Bhadha, A. Rabbany, S. Swanson, J.M. McCray, Y.C. Li, S. Strauss and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2021. Crop Nutrition and Yield Response of Bagasse Application on Sugarcane Grown on a Mineral Soil. Agronomy. 11:1526.
- Jalpa, L* and R. Mylavarapu. 2021. Nitrogen Management and Recovery Efficiency and Response to Nitrogen Sources in Drip-irrigated Tomato. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 134:99–102.
- Zhang, H. …… Mylavarapu, R.S…. Wang, J. J. (2021). Soil-Test-Based Phosphorus and Potassium Rate Recommendations across the Southeastern USA, Soil Science Society of America Journal. SSSAJ S-2020-12-0379-SSI.
- Xie, Y. B*. Rathinasabapathi, B. Schaffer, R.S. Mylavarapu, G. Liu. 2020. Phosphorus uptake and growth of wild-type barley and its root-hairless mutant cultured in buffered- and non-buffered-P solutions. Agronomy, 10:1556. doi:10.3390/agronomy10101556
- Jalpa, L*, R. Mylavarapu, G. Hochmuth, and A. Wright. 2020. Apparent Recovery and Efficiency of Nitrogen Fertilization in Tomato Grown on Sandy Soils. HortTech.
- Bortolozo, F.R.** and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2019. Phosphorus Requirement for Irrigated Bush Beans Production on Coastal Plain Soils. J. Plant Nutrition. doi:10.1080/01904167.2018.1549679.
- Collins, R.J.*, R. Mylavarapu, M.W. Clark, and T.Z. Osborne.2019. Soil Column Simulation of Natural Nutrient Flux after Short Term Inundation. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. doi: 10.2134/ael2019.01.0001.
- Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Responses of Tomato to Potassium Rates in a Calcareous Soil. HortSci. 52:764–769.
- Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Comparing Extractants for Calibrating Potassium Rates for Tomato Grown on a Calcareous Soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 81: 6: 1621-1628.
- Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Responses of Tomato to Potassium Rates in a Calcareous Soil. HortSci. 52:764–769.
- Osmond, D., C. Bolster, A. Sharpley, M. Cabrera, S. Feagley, A. Forsberg, C. Mitchell, R. Mylavarapu, J. L. Oldham, D. E. Radcliffe, J. J. Ramirez-Avila, D.E. Storm, F. Walker and H. Zhang. 2017. Southern P Indices, Water Quality Data, and Modeling (APEX, APLE, and TBET) Results: A Comparison. J. Env. Qual. doi: 10.2134/JEQ2016.05.0200
- Chavez, E.*, Z. L. He, P. J. Stoffella, R. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, and V. C. Baligar. 2016. Evaluation of soil amendments as a remediation alternative for cadmium-contaminated soils under cacao plantations. Environ. Sci. and Poll Res. doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-6931-7.
- Dou, F**., A. Wight and R. Mylavarapu. 2016. Soil enzyme activity and organic matter composition affected by long-term cropping. Pedosphere, 26:618-625. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(15)60070-4
- Chavez, E.*, Z. He, P. Stoffella, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and V. Baligar. 2016. Chemical Speciation of Cadmium: An Approach to Evaluate Plant-Available Cadmium in Ecuadorian Soils under Cacao Production. Chemosphere. 150:57-62.
- Dari, B.*, V. D. Nair**, W. G. Harris, P.K.R. Nair, L. Sollenberger, and R. Mylavarapu. 2016. Relative Influence of Soil- vs. Biochar Properties on Soil Phosphorus Retention. Geoderma. 280:82-87.
Book Chapters
- Mylavarapu, R., C.C. Mitchell, and H.J. Savoy. 2014. Soils of the Southeastern US. In Soil Test Methods from the Southeastern United States. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 419. USDA-SERA-IEG-6. ISBN 1-58161-419-5.
- Mitchell, C.C. and Mylavarapu, R. 2014. Soil Test Correlation and Calibration for Recommendations. In Soil Test Methods from the Southeastern United States. Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 419. USDA-SERA-IEG-6. ISBN 1-58161-419-5.
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Extension Publications (EDIS)

Mailing Address:
Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
2181 McCarty Hall, PO Box 110290
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
G171 McCarty Hall A
(352) 294-3113
(352) 392-3399 fax
email: raom@ufl.edu